Monday 19 October 2009

Avocet on a mission

following on from my last drawing i wanted to stick with the theme of depicting birds from my local patch.this drawing is a snapshot of a moment i witnessed back in august at the titchfield haven nature reserve here on the south coast of england.titchfield haven is a wonderful habitat,situated where the river meon reaches the sea at the solent with large scrapes full of waders both in the breeding season and overwintering birds during the colder months.on this occasion i was watching from a hide across the exposed mud as an avocet pair with two juveniles in tow were feeding.every now and then one or both of the adults would deem that the local moorhens were getting too close for comfort and take an instant dislike to them and charge at them in a very purposeful manner,heads down, looking really rather menacing.the moorhens would scatter in all directions,skipping or flying across the mud and peace would reign again,until they once more strayed too close to the juveniles,then all hell would break lose once again!.i'm trying to capture the moment that the adult avocet got close enough to make the moorhen take flight.ive started this drawing by sketching in the birds and ive put the moorhen just taking flight to the extreme left of the picture to try and add to the impression of a hasty exit,hopefully it will work and the image wont look to initial 'wash' of H grade pencil has been laid in and now ive started to work up some of the muddy areas so that the puddles of water stand out.there will be some nice reflections here to work with.

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