Several more layers of graphite later and the background toning is almost complete.There are repeated layers of HB and B grade pencils applied here along with variances in pressure on the pencil to create a sort of blurry semi-photographic look to the background which will help to 'lift' the image slightly.A final layering using a 2B pencil in some areas has added the darkest tones.There may be more tone to be added but for now i'll move onto the cat and adjust tones if necessary later.
Thanks for your explanation on your background work Clive! I wonder though, how do you keep your whites clear of graphite when you work, especially the outline of the tiger? Do you cover it up? I assume the fine whiskers have been indented but I may be wrong. This will be another great piece!
Your background is incredible! I love the idea and the technique. How did you accomplish whiskers and eyebrows? Is is negative drawing, masking or perhaps indenting? I am learning to work with graphite and would really love to know. Thanks! ~Alex
hi alex,the whiskers etc are accomplished by indenting,i use various circumference knitting needles to indent and sometimes wooden kebab sticks for really sharp lines.enjoy your graphite journey it really is the BEST medium!
hi colette,when i work on any drawing i always have a piece of cheap paper under my drawing hand so that i dont smudge anything and i replace that periodically with a clean sheet as the old one picks up graphite so that it doesnt transfer onto another area of the image.i use printer paper as its the cheapest i can find for this.some pencil artists use clear drafting film,which is good,but i like to move around the image a lot and paper is better for that in my opinion.you are correct about the indenting btw
U have a great blog. I'm glad that I met on the internet. Interesting posts on a nice themeplate. Have a wonderful night!. Congratulations! Keep up the good work. well done here .. smiles.
thankyou very much:)))
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