this is the start of a new commissioned dog drawing for a dear friend of mine. jiji lived in thailand and unfortunately passed away fairly recently and the only references i have to work from here are a couple of grainy mobile phone photo's.as you can imagine it's quite a tough challenge and frankly one i wouldn't normally attempt but i know how much jiji meant to her owner and so i'm giving it my best shot.ive started with the outstanding features and set in place my darkest tones to help a little with the more subtle tones to come.the eyes will go in fairly early in the drawing,which,as those who follow my blog will know,is unusual for me but because i havn't got such fine detail to work with its important to discover early on if i can make this drawing look like jiji.
It's looking good already! You're so good at these drawings- I bet you'll do great. You learn details about animals as you draw them so you'll fill in some of the blanks I'm sure. I have software that will filter out the noise- grain. I use Nik Dfine. Let me know if I can help. Really great of you to do this.
I have to say, this drawing is looking amazing!
It is looking brilliant and I know you'll do it justice.
karen,thankyou for the very sweet offer,i think i'll get there just have to take my time with this one,and hey whats life without a challenge?
rebecca thankyou so much for your words of encouragement
Its looking real good man. I'm pretty sure your efforts will be appreciated regardless of how close it comes out.
thanks mike
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