Monday, 16 March 2015

Spring Lapwing 12" x 16" oil on board

My latest painting of the beautifully iridescent Lapwing is now finished and its been an absolute joy to paint.I'll now set it aside for a while to dry thoroughly before sorting out a nice frame for it and hopefully get it out on show in the summer,if I don't get an offer beforehand.


Jeremy Pearse said...

Lovely painting, my favorite of yours so far! Hope to see more.

Unknown said...

thankyou Jeremy,i'm certainly planning more paintings for this year so I hope youll enjoy those that make it.

Anna Elisabeth said...

This is really nice. I mainly draw--and find I'm better at it than painting. I have recently started posting my artwork on my own blog, if you're interested.

Unknown said...

thankyou anna,i too am better at drawing than painting so it is quite a feat to produce a painting I'm really proud of.i will take a look at your blog :-)