Other question Clive!,if i have good luk i will participate this summer in a NEWA wildlife art exhibition,but i habe to phone them for clarify a one problem about his aplication system.
NEWA is a good,well run show marc with some very good sales figures over the years.it is organised by a committee although the public face of NEWA is Marion Tuffrey who is only to happy to assist artists if there are any problems.a contact number should be on the NEWA website.good luck with your application
Your tiger portrait are powerful Clive.
thankyou marc :-)
Other question Clive!,if i have good luk i will participate this summer in a NEWA wildlife art exhibition,but i habe to phone them for clarify a one problem about his aplication system.
NEWA is a good,well run show marc with some very good sales figures over the years.it is organised by a committee although the public face of NEWA is Marion Tuffrey who is only to happy to assist artists if there are any problems.a contact number should be on the NEWA website.good luck with your application
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