I'm calling this one finished,it is a little looser than my norm but i was happy to let it go that way,i think it captured the character of the youngster which was what i wanted from this one.This is quite a small piece and i already have an image in mind for my next drawing which will be a much larger image,so i'm away back to the studio now to work on the initial outline drawing.Hope you like this little giraffe,i'll be back in a few days with the first news on my new image!
What a cutie Clive. You've succeeded in capturing his sweetness. Great work!
You can see him thinking! Splendid detail on a tough pose. I am so glad you took the time to finish him!!
colette and brenda thankyou both very much,i am slightly relieved that the image came out as well as it did after my wobble midway!
Your work inspires me everyday! I enjoy looking on my google reader to find out where you are on your drawings or whether you have finished another one. I have awarded you a blog award that will be posted to my blog tomorrow. joz1234.wordpress.com
thanks for all that you do!!
The expression is priceless Clive
His eyes have such expression,lovely Clive
jennifer thank you very much for the thought,ive had one before and being a complete computer idiot i have no idea how to do the links etc but if you bear with me i'll have my son try to explain it to me lol!
brenda thankyou very much,as usual the eyes bring so much to a wildlife piece and i wanted to capture something of his whimsical expression.
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