Cape Buffalo drawing is finally complete.A little bit of tinkering here and there is highly likely to take place over the weekend and so i'll leave it on the board for a few days.For those of you who follow my blog regularly you'll know that two of my drawings 'Tigress' and 'The chase-moorhen and avocet' made it to the finals of the Wildlife Artist of the Year 2010 competition,these were delivered on wednesday to The Mall Galleries to be hung in time for the preview evening on monday 24th may,all the finalists for this years competition can now be viewed online at
Fantastic! That's quite a size too! At that size he'll be quite imposing staring out from someone's wall.
thankyou nolon,those were my thoughts too,it seemed only fitting to draw such an imposing beast at a size that did him justice
rahul,thankyou my friend
Clive, I've been watching this one develop and the end result is terrific. You're building up an impressive body of work.
wow - I can almost feel his breath to my face - great composition and rendering of an impressive animal!
hi peter and thankyou very much,i'm now looking forward to a couple of simpler,smaller images,this one was getting hard work!
lene,many thanks,they are such impressive creatures that i wanted to create a real 'in yer face' image to put that across
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