Had a really productive day in the studio today and was able to crack on with this portrait.the head is now complete and i'm starting on the breast feathers,which,like the head feathers are off white in colour with chestnutty-brown markings.So far the falcon is looking quite pale but when the much darker wing feathers go in it will really stand out.i know these portrait style images of birds of prey have been done many times by many competent artists but i still thoroughly enjoy doing them and i think there's always room for another falcon drawing.
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Friday, 29 January 2010
Watchful-giraffe mother and calf
Falcon portrait
This is the start of my latest drawing which will be a portrait of a Saker falcon.My fascination with detail has got the better of me with this one as i'll be attempting to portray all the feathers.the plumage of the saker with its white striped head and chestnutty coloured wing feathers is particularly handsome and this is one of the things that drew me to this bird as a subject.The rough drawing took some time to get right but it's now been transferred onto my prepared paper and as usual ive started on the background toning.So far ive worked the background up using layers of H,HB and B grade pencils and i'll try and keep it fairly light this time.this is a dark as i shall go at least for the moment untill ive got some tone on the bird.
Monday, 25 January 2010
My new website has arrived
I have been looking to build my own website for some time and i can announce that it's finally done and up and running.I was looking for a contemporary feel to the site without the awful clutter that you see on so many sites these days.The website draws together the various components of my art business with all my original drawings on display as well as links through to my greetings card collection,my limited edition prints and of course the blog here.A sort of one stop shop for all things clive meredith.I hope you'll find the time to have a look and of course i would appreciate any feedback you care to give on the site.the address is www.clivemeredithstudio.com
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Giraffe and calf pencil drawing complete
As you can see this latest drawing is now complete.After completion of the calf i had a good look over the image as a whole and, as i thought i may have to,i darkened up and reinforced shadowed areas on both animals.This has served to bring the animals proximity to each other into clearer focus and bring more depth and life to the piece.i aim to close crop this one and have it framed up to emphasise the vertical format echoing the vertical nature of the subject!.it's been a little while since i drew an image with no background whatsoever but in this instance i think anything added would only serve to detract from the subject matter.
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Giraffe and calf pencil drawing progression
More progress today on the calf's body,apart from the usual layering ive started to add some shadows to bring a bit more life into the piece.i will probably go darker still on these shadows but i'll hold off until ive got both animals complete and can judge the overall tones a little better.unfortunately yesterday i didnt manage to get back to the drawing board with a classic case of 'life' getting in the way and so the whole piece hasnt progressed quite as far as i'd of hoped.nonetheless another day's work should see this one complete.
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Giraffe and calf pencil drawing
ive managed some good progress in the last couple of sessions in the studio.The head and neck of the baby are now almost complete,all thats needed is a little shadow and fur detail to be added.The markings have almost all been blocked in using an H grade pencil and will now be overlayed with HB and B grade pencils.I'll also be adding in some interesting shadows to lift the image.
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Giraffe drawing update
As you can see the adult giraffe is now complete except for the hooves which i will draw once the rest of the drawing is finished.The next phase of the drawing will be to add the calf,which you may be able to pick out my outlines for behind it's mother's legs.The legs of the mother giraffe were completed in layers of H and HB grade pencils only as the tones are quite pale here,as mentioned previously the calf will be a tad darker and looking straght at the viewer so he stands out nicely.
Friday, 15 January 2010
Giraffe and calf pencil drawing progression
Yesterday i took time out from this drawing to get out onto my local nature reserve Titchfield Haven for an afternoon's birding the highlight of which was watching a female marsh harrier hunting over the reedbeds,what a treat for tired eyes!.So progress on the giraffe hasn't been quite as quick as i had hoped but nonetheless it's progressing nicely.ive completed the body of the adult. And now moving onto the legs,as usual building up the tone in layers,you can see how on the furthest leg i have layed down an initial layer of H grade pencil and am now starting to work into it with the same pencil but a little harder to block in some of the markings.Another day in the studio should see the adult complete i can then move onto the calf.The adult giraffe is going to be paler than the calf which should help to make the calf stand out rather than disappear completely behind it's mother.
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Giraffe and calf pencil drawing
Saturday, 9 January 2010
'Low Tide-Little Egret' 5"x11"
Friday, 8 January 2010
Little Egret drawing-progress
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Start of a new egret drawing
After a day spent trying out various compositions on scraps of cartridge paper ive finally settled on the image here.ive stretched and dried the watercolour paper overnight and then traced my scribblings onto the fresh sheet of paper.Here you can see that ive started by laying down a 'wash' of very lightly applied H grade pencil for the lightest tone of the water and then ive overlayed in places with a sharper H grade pencil the darker areas of water and ripples.These will require further layers of softer graphite to darken them up quite a bit and fainter ripples will be drawn in using a paper blender rubbed into graphite.this drawing,like my previous egret image,will be concentrating on the lovely,almost still,bright autumn sunshine and the reflections cast by the egret on the water by the backlit bird.this image is again based on observations of the little egret on the salt marsh on the river hamble near to my home in warsash.
Saturday, 2 January 2010
Siberian Tigress
Well here we are...the finished tiger portrait!.The fur detail that remained to be done has been completed and layers of graphite built up on top giving the cat that final shape and form.Ive performed a few tweaks here and there and now feel that ive done as much as i can here and so i'm calling it complete.
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