Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Turnstones-Hillhead Harbour 8"x16"

drawing completed today.I'm really pleased with the end result as i feel ive managed to get down on paper my observations from early on this year.In and around Hillhead and Titchfield haven the turnstones can always be found scurrying around foraging for food.they are a great subject to tackle as they seem completely un-fazed by close human contact allowing some lovely close views and in turn some very detailed images.


Nolon Stacey said...

Excellent Clive. Some great textures in here. Makes me want to draw a chain - can't imagine if I did that a drawing of just a chain would sell though!!

Angie said...

Beautiful work! I agree with Nolan, the texture are great and I also love the chain. Great composition.

Unknown said...

nolon and angie thankyou both very much.ive been wanting to incorporate some man made textures into a piece for ages and when i saw this chain in the harbour i knew immediately how to make it work and so i'm really pleased that you both feel that it did

Unknown said...

The chain really adds an extra dimension to another great piece. Thumbs up from over here :D

Lluís Sogorb said...

Hello, Clive! Lately I do not have much time to visit the sites of other artist friends. Your recent works are truly amazing. Congratulations. I will have to devote to something else! I allowed myself to add a link to your blog from mine. I hope you do not mind. Greetings

Unknown said...

hi lluis,nice to hear from you and thankyou for the kind words.of course i dont mind a link,youre very welcome:-)
sheona thankyou,i had been so impatient to get this image onto paper since i saw it mainly because of the lovely tectures on the chain.